Thanks Christina. I think I'm 50 years ahead of my time. Kind of sad since I started this project 25 years ago.
Anyways, I had a little opportunity to do a lot of writing--and I've been writing one TDG article a day. Maybe a four-minute read on average. A lot of ideas that have been hanging in my head for some time finally found their way to being written. And a few new ideas have come up.
Unfortunately Medium seems to have taken a strange turn when I started this new marketing campaign, some 40 TDG articles ago. My view count was not high before; now it is lower.
But I'm not blaming Medium. They world is not ready. We just might have to get that Republican oligarchy to realize the current democracy cannot be fixed and needs to be replaced.
One reason for these shorter articles was that it offered another way to explain the TDG. I'm going to compile all "TDG articles on Medium" into one TDG ebook. Short reads. Different from my technical approach and novels. Who knows?
My original TDG articles are drying up. It's time to give Medium less attention. For some reason, I can't quit completely.