The American Constitution is Working Exactly as It Should

From some crazy Canadian’s perspective

Dave Volek
6 min readOct 2, 2023


A New Political Leader?

The US Supreme Court has overturned abortion and affirmative action programs. There are all sorts of detractors calling these decisions as “undemocratic!”

I say: “No, these decisions are democratic. They follow the rules.”

Yeah, but Dave . . .

. . . Mr. Trump’s victory in 2016 came from the Electoral College, but not the popular vote. That makes the EC not democratic.

I say: “But the election rules have the EC as the process to elect the president. Until that is changed, them’s the rules.”

I also say: “The EC was a tool to bind the original colonies together. Had the EC not been in place, much of northwest USA would be part of Canada today. Here is my article on that history.

Yeah, but Dave (2). . .

. . . Mr. Trump was an inept president.



Dave Volek

Dave Volek is the inventor of “Tiered Democratic Governance”. Let’s get rid of all political parties! Visit