The behavior of the Republican party can only be explained that they see another coup attempt in the near future. Republicans are lining up to earn a high spot for the aftermath of that coup. And that means the higher rankers are getting the masses riled up. To put this more bluntly, a Republican oligarchy is very plausible in the next five years. And there might not be a damn thing we can do about it.
The recent gubernatorial election in Virginia is a great sign for this oligarchy. Despite mounting evidence of a future coup, 30% of eligible voters in Virginia continued to support the Republicans. These people would prefer a Republican oligarchy than a two-party democracy. And 30% support is enough to effect the dismantling of democracy in the USA. That’s the same percentage of Americans that had sent the British packing from the 13 colonies in the War of Independence. Coups don’t need elections or 50%+1 approval. Thirty percent is more than enough.