The TDG has been a frustrating project for me. I could see in 1992 that western democracy had serious fault lines inherent within it. An earthquake going to happen sooner or later. Despite the earthquake seems to starting up these days, political watchers are not interested in the TDG way.
In other words, we might need to hit rock bottom first before we abandon western democracy.
It's not fun living through war times or war zones. But from what I can gather, most of us will get through these tough times. There will be a social order of some kind to get some things done. If the USA goes through some civil war, maybe that's when the TDG will be taken more seriously. People will somehow find it and can start building it even in these times.
BTW, I did send a hard copy of my book to The Carter Foundation. I'm pretty sure it got chucked on a big pile of books looking for Mr. Carter's endorsement.