The three-right-hand "men" in Prime Minister Trudeau's handling of the Ukraine crisis are: 1) Christina Freeland, deputy prime minister, 2) Anita Anand, Minister of Defence and 3) Melaine Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs. All three are doing a fantastic job in this difficult situation. I would not have predicted this kind of trio even five years ago.
However, we need to question how they got their jobs. Politics is a very competitive occupation. Working with the party structure, winning the internal party election, winning the general election, and then jockeying for position to be in cabinet require a fair degree of testosterone to advance. In other words, western democracy is still very much a masculine endeavor. Many women won't participate because of the conflict, contention, and competitiveness that goes with politics.
While the trio will still be bringing in concerns of the "other 50% of the population" into public discourse, these three women will still be more beholden to their political party than the society they govern.
Tiered Democratic Governance does away with all these encumbrances. You know where to find this new democracy.