This article could work out!
You have named me in this article, and I have responded. That makes me an accomplice.
Hopefully the powers that be will recognize that my alternative democracy needs to be stopped. They then actually can apply to the Canadian government to get me extracated to the USA as a traitor to American democracy. Think of all the publicity that extradiction trial will generate!
Actually, the powers that be really can't plan for much except for the last minute. They are too busy putting out other fires to worry about the fires you or I may or may not be able to start.
As I have mentioned in my TDG book, political parties to give and be seen giving out favors to loyal party members. This keeps the volunteers (which are becoming less important in modern elections) and money flowing into campaign war chests. It takes a lot of advertising to get a few percentage point edge in elections. The cash is important--but there is often an understanding that comes with that cash.
Here is my experience with political corruption:
In my opinion, it is folly to cast blame on current politicians. If they do not play the corruption game to some extent, they can be described with this one adjective: UNELECTED!
If you or I were in their shoes--and wanted to be elected, we would have to play this game. That is how our current systems work.
And this is why we need to a new kind of democracy. Our political leaders should not have this shadow of corruption lingering in their deliberations.