This essay brings up some great points about socialism and the Kmer Rouge (a former US ally).
In 1968, the Canadian government moved health care from private to public funding — which in effect moved a large segment of the economy from capitalism to socialism. It’s been 51 years since that change, and Canadians have not yet fell into some kind of internal genocide or civil war.
Unfortunately, the essay does get into some sensationalism:
For example, in 2018, Republicans did not win a majority of votes across the state in the state legislative elections but still won 29 of 50 state Senate seats and 65 out of 120 state House seats — and that was in a good year for Democrats.
“29 out of 50” or “65 out of 120” are not exactly overwhelming majorities. They are reasonable reflections of the people’s will, in which just under half voted R. In other words, if a party scores 48% of the votes and gets 55% of the seats, it’s not a sign that democracy is failing.
In Canada, we have more lopsided results with our Westminster elections. A party can get 70% of the seats with 40% of the vote. We may raise eyebrows when these elections occur, but we do not claim democracy is heading down a wrong path.
Besides, I don’t hear the D’s offering to de-gerrymander their favored states.
As for “good year for Democrats”, I would say that 2018 elections exemplify the failure of the Democratic Party. It needed only to convince 10% of the 50% that normally do not vote to vote against Mr. Trump. That did not happen. Kind of hard to blame that on R-sponsored gerrymandering.