This is a nice succinct articles outlining several interesting possibilities.
Personally, I think the "ranked-choice vote" will do a lot to allow third parties have more influence. And these third parties will shape the two big parties. The RCV won't really require a big constitutional change to effect it in the USA.
Canada needs to have an RCV as well.
But I have to plug my book, which is about a totally new kind of democracy--with no political parties. This system has many more electoral districts: one electoral "neighborhood" for about 200 people. This first tier would be mostly voluntary and require only about 10-20 hours a month from its elected reps. It would be hard for the likes of Mr. Trump to get approval from their neighbors. They have to demonstrate skills in governance at the lower levels to be called into service of the higher levels.
So if a reader is interested in the "new" ways offered by Mr. Dunn, maybe taking a real step outside-the-known box of political alternatives might be a real interesting adventure.