This is very good, Tony.
In my study of political things, I am too often amazed at how we average people glom on to celebrities---as if they are some kind of god. I think we should shuck that tendency aside, but human nature is not going to change because I told it to.
The trick is to let the people have their celebrities, but put the celebrities in a position where the damage is minimal--in case they go off the deep end. The monarchy in UK serves a good purpose here--and sometimes they do things right.
I used to follow the politics of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Both countries have an elected president, but that president has little political muscle. But the position creates a celebrity; a celebrity who is not in the parliament.
And more often than not, the presidents say things that need to be said---when parliamentarians cannot say them. It was interesting watching this dynamic, with presidents having no legal power, but sometimes having a lot of influence.