This is very powerful in so many ways.
We have to be aware of our conditioning: we have been taught to have a rewarding career--or else we are nothing. I used to think that way, getting down on myself.
Probably a decade ago, a CBC Radio program gave out some stats for Canadians who are really satisfied with our occupations. It seems only 17% of us are in an occupation we want to be doing. The other 83% are at work to earn a paycheck--to provide for ourselves and families.
That stastistic was a bit of an eye opener for me. We should expect that our occupations are not going to line up with our life aspirations. And if they do, we should be grateful. We really need to stop believing all those self-help gurus telling us to "do what we love to do."
I spent most of my life as a bachelor, not having a special person in my life (that's another story). But I got married nine years ago. And after seeing other marriages, I knew that my marriage was not going to be perfect. But it is better than being single.
When you closed with "Everything really is enough for me right now the way it is", that is an approach that should be quite useful and satisfying. For most of us who feel life is down, things really aren't that bad. Think of people in a refugee camp.
And yes, we should always be looking for ways to improve our life. Total contentment is probably a step backward. But let's focus more on the "now".