This particular article could have cut in half to get the points across, but you said you weren’t looking for perfection.
Regardless, you made some good points.
I have had several internet inventions. In the first invention, I spent about $70,000 and months of writing — to get absolutely nowhere. If optimism were only thing needed to success, I would be rich. But . . .
When I came to the conclusion I need to walk away from this invention, I had to ask myself: “Was it a waste of time and money?’ The answer was “yes”, but I sure had a lot of fun. And there was an upside — if it gained some acceptance, it would have gone big! There are lots of hobbies that will never provide that opportunity.
“But what did I learn?” I asked. Well, I could have created that business unit with about 25% of the cash and time — to find out it wasn’t going to work. Since then, my inventions have not broke the family bank account. I have fun — and yes all of them have an upside.
My time on Medium is coming to a close. It’s frustrating to spend those five hours or so to write a reasonable and get 30 people to read that article. And the few I have had contact with aren’t interested in my current invention.
It’s all about balance. Be creative, but also be responsible.