To market my various inventions, I had used Google Adwords for many years. Then came in the rules about political advertising: I could not advertise for my political book. So I went searching for other ad brokers.
I approached Taboola, but I couldn't get a confirmation for my book. I then went to Microsoft BING. There I found an easy interface because it looked just like Google in its earlier days. BING did a good job of getting people to my two books, but penetration was low. Advertising costs were bigger than book sales. So I stoppped.
I wasn't aware Taboola was the low hanging fruit of internet ad brokers. It would have been a waste of my time and money to go in that direction.
I think internet publishers should have more control of the ads shown on their website. I was never happy when I used to have Google Adsense. Less happy when the payments decreased.