After almost two years of free-lance technical writing, I never had a positive client/contractor relationship. My invoices were always challenged. Sometimes I got repeat work, but more often not. Maybe I was just not good enough to be in this profession.
Then I was at a social event of fellow technical writers. Everyone was bitching about their clients. I was not alone. That’s when I made the decision to leave this career — as much as I enjoyed the actual work.
There is a general disrespect for people who choose writing as a career — at least in my circles.
I have another problem that I didn’t realize at the time. I’m a classic introvert. This personality trait is not conducive to marketing. And when we introverts try to be more ‘markety,’ it comes off all wrong. I think most of my TW colleagues were also introverts. And this allows a certain degree of abuse, to which I believe I experienced.
That was about 20 years ago. I think the world has a better understanding that introverts can be useful without pretending to be extroverts. But maybe not.
For me, it was best to get a job — and away from a profession that doesn’t have respect.