We have discussed this during my HOA article. The TDG is not ready to assume any functions of real governance until it gets some TDG governance skills and attitudes in its culture. It can't even take on HOA duties in its early days!
There must be a big culture shift, or the TDG will not work.
If representatives behave like tyrants, the annual elections should put these representatives outside of the executive functions of the TDG. That is one part of this culture shift. If the TDG cannot do this, then it will fail.
Can the TDG sideline the tyrants? Remember that most citizens will not want to join the TDG. TDG membership will be attractive to those who want to sideline tyrants and believe that tyrants can be sidelined. I don't think tyrants will join this movement in its early days.
But there will be time when the TDG becomes attractive to tyrants. If the right culture is in place, the tyrants won't find much traction for their tyrant ways.
You have used the word "alternative" in a few places in our recent discourse. What's the alternative for western democracy? Especially when too many citizens are apathic, cynical, or distrustful?
For many Americans, the alternative is to abandon democracy, giving the Republican Party complete control. In their minds, this would be better than what the USA has today. Like the European peasants of a century ago, most Americans, including many of the citizens who agree with this future takeover, will not have much say in this new way. Forget about "public health care" in this future. Republican dominance is the big alternative being offered, even if that offer is implicit at this point.
Other than the TDG, I'm not seeing any forward-thinking alternative out there.
Actually, I found a possible alternative yesterday. I have been on the fringes of sociocracy for a couple years. Things are lining up for me to take some training.
While I have some concerns about the sociocracy structures, these concerns may be alleviated with the training. Regardless there is a fair amount of overlap between the TDG and sociocracy. Neither system wants tyrants.
Sociocracy is making moves into rural governance in the UK.
I still think you need to read my books.
I am working on my fourth TDG novel. It is about the TDG gently forcing a tyrant to the sidelines.