We have similar lives. My family life was semi-dysfunctional, but not as bad as yours.
I was old enough to watch Star Trek--and loved it. Unfortunately it came on CTV, which didn't receive as well as CBC. And it aired at 4:00 or 5:00 pm. Not a problem in the summer, but in the winter that was the time to do farm chores, so it was a conflict with my father. One of the few things I challenged him on. Or I pretended to be sick so I could stay inside.
But I still remember so much from Star Trek episodes.
Space 1999! I can't recall if CBC or CTV aired it. but the reception was better. It was on later in the evening. Dad didn't like the show, but the other channel wasn't interesting for him either. So the TV was mine.
The first season was great. My weekly life revolved around that time slot. The second season got weird. If I missed one of those episodes, it wasn't a big deal. Still I was disappointed when it went off the air.
I devoured all the SF in our local library. Especially Heinlein's space dusters. I read "Stranger in Strange Land" when I was 14. It was probably the tipping point for me to leave the Catholic Church.
SF was indeed my escape from my real life. I wonder about where I would have been without this genre.