Well, you found a few Umair fans who do not like the "criticism" of their "prophet."
On his Medium page, Umair has several great essays on Eudaimonics, his version of utopia. But his articles do not sell that vision, let alone how we move from HERE to THERE.
He is writing to where his bread is being buttered. That says more about us than him.
Most of us (including his loyal readers) already realize that the world is out of balance. The question we should be asking is "how to we gain balance?"
I have a possible answer. Umair does not not.
Your work, on the other hand, is a great study on social psychology, how big groups of people think and act. Through your articles, I have come to understand how Russians are so much different than all the other Slavic peoples.
If the Russians can be so conditioned, then we have to speculate that we too might be conditioned in a different way.