What have I been doing for the past 40 years to oppose the upcoming dystopia?
I thought I could change things by becoming an active volunteer in a political party. By 1992, I came to the conclusion I was wasting my time. So I quit politics.
But somehow I invented another democracy. In 1997, I started putting words on paper. It's been a 28-year hobby.
It's interesting that you mentioned the band KISS. So true that they were just as establishment as the guys in suits. I kind of doubt the KISS guys are living in one-bedroom apartments.
I have a similar article about 1970s folk musicians who lulled into believing their songs would create the democracy we all yearned for:
Yep, we left it to the entertainment people to better our democracy.
Forty years? Well I can say I was part of the establishment for the first 12 of those years. But the last 28 years, I have offering a new way.
So one is listening.
My post-November-5 writing on Medium has been more aggressive in promoting this new way.
I lost 80% of my Medium traction.
We are doomed.