When people ask me what I do for a hobby, I say, “I’m an inventor.” Eyes are starting to roll back into their heads.
They then ask, “What have you invented?”
I say, “My main invention is new system of democratic governance that gets rid of all political parties. I have written a book about this system.” At this point, the iris and pupils have completely flipped upwards, I can only see the whites of their eyes.
I ask, “What is your hobby?”
They say, “We play golf three times a week.”
“Oh, that’s good for you,” I say. I really want to say, “At least my hobby could move the world forward and might even make me a little money some day. For sure, I spend a lot less money on my hobby than you spend on your hobby.” But such a comment might result in total ostracization from further civil discourse. Best not to say anything. These days, I kept my hobby a total secret from my social circle. Only my wife and mother know I’m still working on this project, and I can see the whites of their eyes.
When I’m engaged with my hobby, at least I’m home with the family. My wife appreciates that.
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The real problem with golf is that those holes are too damn small. I could do a lot better if the holes were about a meter wide.
But I look forward to the day when society reassesses its priorities and turns golf courses into community gardens or urban natural habitats.