Whether we would not be allowed or would be somewhat changed as we worked up the political process is a moot point. The end result is that the corporate world would get the kind of person it is looking for (most of the time).
Mr. Obama may believe he kept his principles intact, but he must have had to sacrifice those principles to a significant degree to reach the top spot--and a place in history.
You and I would make similar sacrifices. If we don't, we won't get the job.
In my quest to make a better world, I spent six years as an active volunteer in Canadian political party. I had ambitions of being an elected representative some day. But as l learned more about this job, I realized it was not for me. I was "unelectable." I just did not like being around people that much. So I stayed in the back rooms to be "of influence."
Five years later, I realized that I never had much influence. I also realized that western democracy is inherently dysfunctional. So I quit.
But I invented another democracy that deals with all the dysfunction.