You are probably correct. They may not have $500, but some can give $100. The grift trail is still there.
But campaigns are about small shifts in voter motivation. These small shifts can drastically change the electoral outcome. The pollsters may not be able to measure these shifts.
The best activity for average Democrat supporters to defeat the Republicans is 1) canvass and 2) donate. Sorry, writing article and posting them on the internet is not effective in changing the turnout.
Let's say the D's had 25M direct supporters (campaign workers and donors) in 2020. That gave them the 52/48 split. If they can find another 5M direct supporters, that should widen the split, maybe to 55/45.
5M out of 230M voters is only 2% of the population. But this 2% can take a lot of steam out the anticipated MAGA violence. So a small change can make a big difference.
The people who run campaigns know this. They are not targeting the bulk of the working class into becoming direct supporters. They just need a small percentage of that class to get the change they want.
And the other side is playing the same game.
When our political leaders are decided by such fickle campaign objectives, that is another sign of how broken our democracy is.