You have taken my comments to a higher level. So many working people do sacrifice their principles for a paycheck. For those who have a creative occupation, it becomes doubly important to make some sacrifices. I think scientists have a harder balance to find than many other workers.
My wife is undergoing a workplace dilemma right now. She has made her case to management, who don't seem to be responsive. If she continues, there will be consequences. "Going with the flow" happens a lot. Workers have their own self-interest to look after.
I am an advocate of Universal Basic Income. Its main advantages are well spoken about. But there a few advantages even UBI's best apologists fail to mention. In this case, workers can easily leave a job that asks too much sacrifice for their principles.
I am also an advocate for replacing western democracy for another kind of democracy (no political parties). In this new system, elected politicians will have less self-interest in preserving their jobs. This attitude will eventually trickle into other workplaces, including the profession of science.