You must have a lot of free time on your hands to write these great articles. I needed 4-6 hours to put my last article together.
Anyways, I thought you were going to go in another direction with this title.
I believe racism is a many shades of grey, not black or white (no pun intended). Many of us have come a long way but still have some work to do on ourselves. If I (a white guy) make a comment that no one should beak off to a police officer or run when they tell you to stop, I get called a racist by some black people. I might as well be burning a cross on their front lawn.
Many Repubilcans are going along with the voter-suppression charade more because they don't like socialists and Democrats than have a strong racist bone running in their body. Yes, there is an element of racism in their position. But mostly they have been indoctrinated about the evils of socialism.