Your lack of wokeness is commendable! But your articles are like mine: they don't go far. If you are looking for a shit-storm, put a similar comment on a popular writer's article. The wokees will be happy to chastise you.
I mentioned (in a comment on popular writer's article) that frat parties are designed to get girls drunk so they can be easily seduced (or raped). My advice: don't go to frat parties. I got a shit-storm.
There is a lack of responsibility in so many facets of life. For example, too many people take a cavalier attitude in their driving of vehicles. When an accident happens, well, it was an accident, right?
I quit drinking 27 years ago. Alcohol put my life at risk a few too many times, but somehow the random number generator gave me a favorable turn. We really need to question the role of alcohol in our culture.